Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Beef With Search Results..

As I was searching tonight for oil pastel techniques on Google, I became frustrated with the results. The site in the first position was terrific. It explained several different ways of using oil pastels and provided illustrations to go along with it. Curious as to what other sites had to offer, I hit 'back' in my browser to have a look at the other Google results. I then clicked on three sites in a row that were nothing but a page of outgoing links to other sites on oil pastels.

Now, here is where I see a problem with Google's results. If I had searched for say, "oil pastel resources", then I could understand why I was getting a list of further links. But I already got the list of links to sites when I did the Google search! I consider myself the "average web surfer" to a degree - I don't want to spend forever clicking through links to get to what I want.

The bottom line is that Google could have provided the end result in the SERPs instead of adding an extra step to my search. This is how AdSense gets abused. When someone can set up a site, optimize it using ethical means (use relevant text, get quality incoming links, etc.) and have it displayed on the first page of Google results simply for the reason of making advertising money.


/End rant.
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Monday, November 20, 2006

Google Maps Telephone Service

When you search for businesses using Google Maps, you're given the option to "Call" the business next to the phone number listing. When you click on it, Google asks you to supply your phone number. It then calls you and connects you directly to the business. Google pays for the calls, even any long distance fees, unless you are using a cell phone which charges you for airtime usage.
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